
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey friends! Wow! There is so much I need to tell all of you! The updates, the details, where I’m at, and just all the things! 

First thing I want to tell all of you, is that we have a change in country! If you don’t follow me on social media, you haven’t heard that my squad and I are actually launching to Costa Rica in January 2021! Originally, we were supposed to be in Eswatini, Ethiopia, and Cambodia for 9 months, but with COVID, Adventures in Missions decided to keep us at their base in Gainesville, GA for 3 months, then launch later on in the year. Since Africa’s borders are closed, we weren’t able to go there, so they decided to send us to Costa Rica! There are many ministry opportunities there, so I am super excited to go! We will be ministering to students on the college campus, doing prison ministry, refugee outreach, vacation bible school, teaching English, evangelism, and so much more. 

Second thing I need to let all of you know is that as of right now I am home! Yep, back in ole Inez, TX. Since we were in the states, AIM decided to let us go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas to see our families! I flew home on Nov. 21stand was supposed to go back to Gainesville, GA on Nov. 30th, but unfortunately, a lot of my squad got COVID. We are all doing great and are out of quarantine now, but since this happened, AIM decided it would be best if we all stayed home until we launched in January. 

Although my squad and I were pretty bummed about not seeing each other for a whole month, a lot of good has been coming out of staying home. This has given us a lot of time with our families before we leave for 5-6 months and has taught us to lean on the Lord in all of the uncertainty. 

Third thing is that I had two plane tickets for GA that I didn’t want to waste, so I decided to change my flights and go see my teammate, Sydney, in Florida tomorrow! I am super pumped about this because I get to see her, explore her hometown, and do our usual routine like we would in GA (sessions and team time). We also are going to meet up with more people from our squad later on in the week to camp out at Max Patch in NC!!! Ah! So, a lot of exciting things happening! 

And lastly, thank you to everyone who has been praying for my squad and I! There have been so many changes due to COVID that we have learned to just have our arms wide open, a yes in our spirit, and putting all of our trust in the Lord with whatever plan He has for us. Thank y’all for the continued support through all of this and I cannot wait to keep updating all of you on all things World Race! 

Love y’all BIG! – Jamie <3




One response to “Home (for now).”

  1. It’s a real whirlwind, never in my life have I seen so much craziness, but watching it all breakdown into the ministry moments has been a privilege. Our squad traveled to help hurricane victims and rebuild communities, supported each other during covid breakouts and possibly got closer in prayer over each other. Now you’ve traveled home to be a be with family who will instantly recognized your spiritual growth. And now, meeting up with friends from across the country that you hardly knew 3 months ago and going places with them that you’ve never been too. It’s awesome to be part of D Squad!! The Lord is doing great things!!