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Time. This is something I feel we all have a hard time either finding, or making the most of while we can. Do we spend it wisely? On things we should do, or things that we want to do? But, the biggest question of them all is how can we make more time? With everything going on, how do we make sure we’re spending time with Jesus everyday? Let’s talk about it!

Lately, this has been challenging. Having your daily routines, making sure you’re sticking to them, and clicking the restart button the next day. It’s so easy to get into the habit of just waking up, working out, college, work, homework, sleep, and repeat. People ask me, “How do you make time to read your bible, to pray, and go to church?” And honestly, for a long time I didn’t do all those things, because I struggled with that thought of getting everything else done and THEN studying His word and talking with Him. Thoughts like, “Shoot I have an assignment due tonight that I haven’t started, so I don’t have time to read my bible today.” We all have those thoughts in the back of our heads, wishing we had more time to give to God and be with Him, but tell ourselves we can’t find the time to do so. 

In Matthew 6:33 it reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” What’s the word that sticks out to you the most? For me, I see “first” in huge bold letters y’all! God has been trying to tell each of His children to seek HIM FIRST! You know what else this verse says? That if you do these things, putting God at the center of your life, prioritizing by making Him the main focus of your days, all things will be added unto you. For instance, a few weeks ago I had an essay to write for my Comp. 1 class. This assignment was due in two days and I hadn’t even started it. While I sat at the college, worrying about finishing the essay before church that Wednesday night, my first thought was to stay at the library all evening to write it, but then that verse popped up out of nowhere. As I read it, it reminded me that God has woken us up each day to live for Him. We get out of bed every morning reminded that He is the reason we are here. Getting ready in the morning to tell more people about Him. Going to work or school to know more about Him. Doing all things for Him, with Him, because we LOVE Him. So, that day I dedicated all of my time to God. I prayed, I studied His word, I journaled to Him, I went to church that night, and gave my worries to Him. With that, the due date for my essay was moved to the next week…

Even though this is super last minute, today I just felt the need to share this with someone. To let God speak through me as I write this post and let His words flow, to let Him be my fingers as I type up this short devotion. To me, it’s as if we put all of our responsibilities above God, making Him our last resort. Putting Him at the end of our “to- do list” as some people would say, or sometimes at the end of everything when He should be our main priority. I want to challenge all of you today to start out by praying every morning. Instead of checking your phone when you wake up, check on God and “text” Him back. Maybe on your way to work, spend time worshipping Him though song, talking to God about anything that’s on your mind that morning. Setting a timer in the middle of the day to simply just thank Him for giving you another day to live. Finishing your day by taking even just 5 minutes to read a chapter in your bible. 

Lastly, I want to leave all of you with this. My pastor once told me that when you start your day with God, He is on your mind all day. When you end your day with Him, He is in your dreams all night. I deeply pray you allow God to work in your lives and grow with Him daily. To put Him above all things and trust that He will take care of you along the way. To spend that quality time with Him and do more to be with Him all the days of your life. Now, brothers and sisters, let the challenge begin. 

Yours truly, Jamie Schroeder.

Psalm 143:8, “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”

One response to “Time”

  1. Wow. Such a simple but important point Jamie. “FIRST”…. we have done this, and, skipped this. But as you testify, all other things fall in order when we quit worrying about those other things until after we have our time with God first! Keep it up. Jay is proud of you and so are we.
    Your Friends… Schaefer’s