
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hola hola hola! I just wanted to fill all of you in on what ministry has looked like the past couple weeks here in Costa Rica! All the things, so let’s hop into it! 🙂

First off, our squad has been split up into two groups. Align and Kenosis in the first, Agape, Shathal, and Stride in the second. The reason we are split into groups is because we have morning shifts and afternoon shifts. So, group 1 will go in the morning and group 2 goes in the evening. Each group will rotate between morning and afternoon shifts each week. Example: Group 1 has morning shift from around 9am- 3:30pm. Group 2 has afternoon shift from around 1:50pm- 8pm. This is for the 1st week, then for the next week, group 1 would change to the afternoon shift and group 2 to the morning shift. This is so that each group can be apart of all the ministries we have within Hope Project. 

For the morning shift, we will usually have the Pregnancy Center, English Club, Waves of Grace, Hospitality, and Parenting and Pancakes going on. Afternoon would be Evangelism, Discipleship, Business Club, House of Raw, Coffee and Art, Spanish Class, Preps and Projects, and Worship Nights. Then, on either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, we would have outreach ministry. So, ya! Now lemme break these down for you and give you a little description of each of these. Or in other words, what we do within each ministry 🙂

Pregnancy Center: offers resources to pregnant women and mothers of young children in the community.  

Evangelism: while we have been with the Hope Project, translators have been taking us into town to pray over the city and people that the Lord highlights to us. This is an opportunity to build relationships and help us step out of our comfort zone. 

English Club: weekly classes where people can come and invest in learning a new language. this helps build relationships and gets people connected to a Christ centered community. 

Discipleship: a time where our whole community comes together to get refreshed and pour into each other. 

Business Club: brings the community in to learn the basics of business and marketing. giving them the tools to apply to future jobs/careers. 

House of Raw: aka dance ministry! these dance classes invites everyone in to learn, have fun, and express how they feel through dance. House of Raw accepts and loves each individual for who they are. also, giving them the opportunity to build a relationship with Jesus and the people around them. 

Waves of Grace: empowering women to learn practical skills such as jewelry making! pushing them to be creative and learning necessary job skills. it’s also open to women coming out of the refuge or pregnancy center, helping them make an income for their families. 

Coffee and Art: relationship building with coffee and crafts! our team was able to give a devotion during this time and also, teach a sewing class! 

Spanish Class: an opportunity for our whole squad to be together and a time we dedicate to learning the language here in Costa. 

Preps and Projects: repairs within the community center. this could look like hanging up pictures, fixing displays, and just being a helping hand with anything Hope Project may need. 

Hospitality: since their is so many classes/clubs taking place, we make sure we are cleaning every hour. also, as people come and go for each club we welcome them in and start up conversation! 

Parenting and Pancakes: weekly gathering for the women in the pregnancy center and refuge to come together and invest in a community. leaning on one another, counseling, and sharing their highs and lows of the week. our teams work to make breakfast for them, play with their children, and join in on their conversations. 

Worship Night: every Friday night there’s a space open up for spontaneous worship and song amongst the people at Hope Project. 

Outreach Partnerships: last weekend, we were blessed to be able to visit a children’s home. helping the Tia’s clean, play with the children, and doing anything we can to love and serve them. each weekend looks different, but this just allows us to help the community in any way we can. 

Each of these programs have been so amazing to work in and you just see so many beautiful things happening within each of them. For the past two weeks that we have been able to work in all of these, relationships have already been formed and community is becoming family. Thank you Jesus that we are able to work alongside Hope Project! 🙂 

If you have any questions, feel free to message me or check out their website! 


I love you all and God Bless! 

  • your sister in Christ, Jamie 

2 responses to “What ministry looks like!”

  1. Jaimie,
    Thank you for sharing your experiences! God is so good and has given you the gift of serving others! May God continue to use you to bless those around you! You always have a smile on your face and you know how to bring JOY to those hurting!

  2. Hey, thanks! I’ve been waiting for a breakdown of the ministries! I have to say I’ve a little envious. To have all those ministries within easy reach everyday is a dream and hard to imagine how much of a blessing it must be to the community. That said, the Hope Project is returning the blessing through educating you in their ministries. Win-Win!! A thanks God moment!