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Mi amigos!! I thought it’d be really fun to share some fun things I’ve been learning while living in Costa Rica! Enjoy and feel free to comment! πŸ™‚ 


I’m not that great at Spanish, but it’s a workin progress! Ex: “me gusta pants” 

Don’t go to Santos Café after 3pm. 

Don’t pet the dog at Abraham’s Project. 

Dance ministry is no joke! 

Beginners English is learning more grammar than I was taught. 

Don’t go to San José at night. 

Driving is insane here! 


Community living = all food ending up in the freezer. 

Gallo pinto in fact, does not get old even after eating it for breakfast every. single. day. 

If you hear knocks at your door, it’s not a burglar, it’s just Juan Carlos. 

PB & J’s, also don’t get old! 


Don’t flush the toilet paper or you’ll have to dig it out of the toilet with your hands… 

Eno naps are the best naps! 

Don’t slam the car doors here. 

Honking is sometimes nice! 

You can’t evangelize on top of the museum (cops told us to leave) oops!

There’s always flowers around every corner πŸ™‚  

You can get your teeth cleaned here for only $50! 

600 colones = $1

The hotdogs are individually wrapped in plastic (learned the hard way)… 

Trains travel in both directions on ONE track and are in the middle of the road!  

Just bc the package says chicken breast, doesn’t always mean that it is… 

Chiky’s, Pops, Spoon, and McDonald’s are a true blessing from Jesus Himself! 

You have to pay for bags at the store. 

Combine your weekend money for food with your team! πŸ™‚

Alfredo is the best bus driver!  

Xenia makes the best food! 

You’re not gonna want pancakes every Monday morning as much as you think you will. 

Chicken quesadilla’s taste way better especially when your taste buds are only used to rice and beans. 

Buy the rotisserie chicken! 

Pura Vida is the answer to everything here.  

Girls nights don’t always have to be sad. 

Justin Bieber is the go to jam! 

Pay to have your clothes washed, it’s definitely worth it! 

Visit Priscilla at the Market Sunday mornings! 

The people here are super sweet!!! 

Uber Eats is a trap! You’ll always want to say yes!

The sun comes up at 5:30am and goes down at 5pm! 

The mountains are breathtaking here! 

I love the culture here bc they’re all about connecting w/ people and are always so intentional! 

You get burned here in at least 10 min… 

Pedestrians do NOT have the right away… you might get hit! 

McDonald’s has KITKAT MCFLURRYS!!! 

Evangelism is actually super fun and not that scary! 

I never thought I’d like the city. 

Morning runs consist of running into friends! (Jeana and Henry) some locals we met! πŸ™‚ 

You will get lost with your Uber driver.  

Til He Returns is like family! We love our ministry partners! 

Dutch Blitz, Skip-Bo, and Spoons are a MUST w/ your squad! 


Love you guys and hope this put a little smile on your face! πŸ™‚ -Jamie  

2 responses to “Things you might just learn while living in Costa Rica!”

  1. You have learned much in your short time. Laughed at the thought of you eating the plastic on the hotdog. Haha, yep, Chiky’s are great when looking for that Oreo substitute. I’d almost forgotten the currency, I’ve got some leftover colones change I wanted to bring back, thanks for the reminder, lol! Didn’t know Justin Beiber was still a thing. I could go on, enjoyed them all!! Thanks for the share!